Greetings everyone and welcome to my website of instructional design and technology. This website is designated for someIMG_9338 Instructional Design and Technology courses. I am going to use an online space here to sinthasize some work from my professors at UNC and my work as well throughout the semesters. I will also embed new courses pertained to the field . I hope you take advantage of this website. you may need to create an account in order to post comments here which will be part of my website development.
The “About Me” tab will tell you a bit more about me. As future teachers and/or instructional designers I need opportunities to experience 21st century learning so that I can better implement a 21st century approach in my own classrooms. Of course, as a graduate level course on instructional design and technology it is not always possible to use the approach of based and constructivist which is might be my style in the future. However, I am open to new experiences and new approaches to learning.  I try to model a 21st century approach to teaching.
Here are a pair of TED talks by Sir Ken Robinson that I think wonderfully define some of the most important current issues in education. Please watch them.
All comments are taken seriously into consideration to develop the website. Feel free to ask any questions.
Best Regards,
Hamzah Alhababi